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Enraptured: Immortal Chronicles Book IV Page 8

  Darcie stepped inside, but stopped short as she noticed Alex was not the only person in the room. Her vampire friend lounged on the embellished couch while two slender women stood facing him with their backs to the doorway.

  “Ah,” Alex said once he saw her standing there. “I did not expect you to join us so soon.” He stood and moved to stand beside Darcie. The strangers turned their bodies to follow his movement, allowing her to see their faces.

  Both were stunning, and one was familiar.

  “Rose?” Darcie questioned, remembering the lovely vampire’s name. They had met in Florida when Rose joined Darcie and her friends at a local restaurant. Rose assisted The Alliance as an informant, and Gregory had called on her to tell him about an event which the rebellion planned to use for recruiting.

  Unfortunately, the resulting mission did not go well.

  Rose beamed. “Nice to see you again, Darcie. I must say, you look markedly lovelier than the last time we met.” There was a mischievous gleam to Rose’s green eyes. She knew about Darcie’s change in mortality.

  “Teasing does not suit you.” Alex frowned at the beautiful vampire.

  “Oh, please.” Rose swatted a hand in the air. “My cousin knows how to take a joke.”

  The familial term drew Darcie’s attention. “Cousin?”

  Rose smirked and gave her a knowing look. “Are we not both descendants of Eros?”

  Darcie hadn’t connected the dots. Before she was abducted, her mother had revealed that her father’s ancestors came from the flirtatious immortal’s bloodline. Though Eros’ abilities were practically undetectable, both she and her father showed the ancestry with their good looks.

  The same good looks, as it turned out, that Rose displayed in all of their glory. Being changed into a vampire had only enhanced her already lovely features.

  “I forgot,” Darcie offered as an explanation for her confusion. “I guess we are related a little.”

  “A little?” Rose laughed. “I knew there was something familiar about you the moment I saw you in that mediocre café. But, besides your obvious unique attributes, I could not understand how or why you seemed so familiar yet different. Now that I know we share the same bloodline, it makes sense.”

  Obvious unique attributes? Darcie had no idea what Rose meant. She could only nod in response to the vampire’s winded explanation.

  “How did you learn of her relation to Eros,” Alex asked Rose, drawing the room’s focus to him. His tone spoke of surprise and, if Darcie was not mistaken, disapproval.

  Rose shot him an impish grin. “Am I not renowned for my ability to gather intelligence?” He did not find the answer satisfactory.

  Alex crossed his arms and glared. “Who told you of the connection?”

  Rose groaned. “Since when are you so uptight? You know I cannot reveal my sources.”

  “Then you can get out of this house.”

  The beauty blinked in disbelief. “Truly?”

  Alex did not hesitate. “Yes. That information is not widely known and hints that our own intelligence is compromised. If you will not share how you became privy to the information, I am afraid our working relationship must be terminated.”

  Darcie could not believe the not-so-subtle threat. Though he did not say the words with malice, their delivery still struck a blow.

  A loaded silence followed. Alex maintained his firm posture, clearly set in his ways. Rose appeared unsure. Her gaze traveled from the vampire king to her companion, and then back to Alex. Darcie noted that the beautiful vampire was probably not used to being in such a tenuous situation.

  Finally, Rose’s companion broke the silence. “For The Creator’s sake,” she huffed out. “It was me.”

  Alex turned his narrow eyes her direction. “Explain, Cassandra.”

  The vampire, Cassandra, met his stare with a confident one of her own. “As the coven leader in this area, I do not believe I answer to you, Alexander.”

  Coven leader?

  Darcie looked at the vampire with fresh eyes. As with all of the supernatural species, she looked young. Her dark black hair shined in the light as it cascaded down to her thin waist. She dressed casually, but the items of clothing shaped her toned figure. To a human, she would appear no older than her late-twenties. The vampire was obviously older, but Darcie never would have guessed she was old enough to be in charge of an entire coven.

  Though, as Darcie took in Cassandra’s stance and aura, she could easily match it to Alex’s self-assured demeanor. Both of them radiated confidence.

  “I would consider it a favor if you answered this one,” Alex said in a calmer tone, remembering he spoke to an equal. “It is a matter of the girl’s safety.”

  Cassandra swung her attention to Darcie. Her eyes traveled up and down, looking unimpressed with what she saw. “If you must know, her own mother shared the information with me years ago.”

  “My mom?”

  “Jennifer told you?”

  Darcie and Alex spoke at the same time.

  “Yes, Jennifer,” Cassandra replied. “Back when she was trying to mediate negotiations between the coven and surrounding magical clans.”

  Alex appeared dumbfounded. “That was years ago. Why did I not know of your communication?”

  “Again, I do not answer to you,” Cassandra snapped.

  Before Alex snapped back, Darcie stepped in. “Your coven does not get along with witches?”

  The vampire’s eyes turned even colder. “No.”

  Well, that might explain the dirty looks.

  “But my mom was trying to help fix it?”

  Cassandra observed her, debating whether or not to respond. At last, she conceded. “It was five years ago. She wanted to remain unnoticed, but I asked her to help. Both the magical clans and I vowed to not reveal her involvement.”

  Darcie chewed her lip as she was thinking. “And she mentioned me? She told you about my dad?” Her gut twisted with the words. She hated how anxious she was to hear the vampire’s answer.

  Cassandra did not hesitate. “Yes. She talked about you both quite a lot.”

  The words should have made Darcie happy, but she struggled to shake off the resulting sadness.

  Darcie glanced at Alex. “At least we know there isn’t another spy around.” Her attempt to sound unaffected failed.

  Lucky for her, Alex did not acknowledge it. “Indeed.” Then, he lowered his head towards Cassandra. “Thank you for revealing your source. I appreciate it.”

  She returned the respectful gesture and said, “Shall we discuss the plan for tomorrow evening?”

  The subject change reinvigorated the conversation. Alex moved his arms for her to continue, but it was Rose who obliged him.

  “Victor is hosting a gala for his five-hundredth birthday at his home in Cornwall. Hundreds will be in attendance. It is the perfect time to search for the book.”

  “Victor?” Darcie had not heard the name mentioned.

  The beautiful vampire’s expression dimmed. “He is my master.”

  Instantly, she regretted asking. Darcie knew Rose had been turned into a vampire against her will, and the creature who committed the crime continued to hold power over her. She knew Victor would not be a vampire she could befriend.

  “And the book?” Darcie moved away from the painful topic. “What is it?”

  “It is an ancient text that holds information regarding magic and its properties,” Alex said. “It has been missing for centuries, but our intelligence indicates it is in Victor’s possession.”

  That was not what she expected to hear. A book of magic? It seemed too much like a movie plot to be real.

  “Does it have spells in it or something?” She could not hide her skepticism.

  “Many,” Rose answered for him. “It holds invaluable information regarding manifestations of power, as well as writings on the immortal bloodlines. More specifically, real-life accounts of beings of mixed bloodlines.”

  Darcie’s brows lifte
d. “You mean people descended from two bloodlines?”

  Rose’s green eyes gleamed. “Yes. Just like you.”

  Her mind whirled. She spoke to Alex. “The book will help me master my abilities?”

  He met her gaze. “That is the goal.”

  The news was welcome. For too long Darcie had felt out of control when it came to her abilities. Frustration, anger, and defeat had dominated her with small spurts of success followed by failures.

  Now, however, hope overshadowed all of the other emotions. She might finally be able to figure out how to use her abilities and assist The Alliance in their fight against Adir.

  Her chest swelled and eagerness consumed her. “So, what will I wear to this gala?”


  The emerald chiffon trailed behind Darcie as she exited the black Mercedes. Beneath the fabric, satin of the same color formed a silhouette against her body. The gown was not too tight, but it did force her to move at a slower pace. The last thing she wanted was for the dress to rip moments before they entered the party.

  Alex rounded the hood of the car and placed himself at her side. His gaze was appreciative as he observed her for the third time since she stepped out of her guest bedroom. “You are breathtaking.” He held out his elbow.

  Darcie blushed, also for the third time. She wrapped her fingers around the corner of his arm. “Thank you. You look nice, too” The vampire had changed into a designer tuxedo. The black fabric contrasted strongly with his skin and eyes, but it fit his body like only a personally tailored tux could. He was dangerously handsome, and Darcie wondered how many women would be drooling over him that night.

  A red convertible pulled up behind them just as Alexander tossed his keys to the valet positioned in front of the estate. Looking back, Darcie watched Cassandra exit the driver’s side. Rose was not with her. She had returned to Victor the moment the group finished finalizing their plans; she did not want her master to notice her absence.

  Cassandra’s dress was midnight blue and elongated her lean figure. She floated across the cement and joined the pair as they walked inside the estate.

  Glittering lights and shimmering décor assaulted their eyes. The scarlet and black color scheme gave off a mysterious feel. Darcie tightened her hold on Alex’s arm as they joined the crowd of people slowly making their way towards the center of the home.

  At last, they entered a room with an immense ceiling and marble floors. It looked very similar to the ballroom in the immortal brothers’ mansion. Dark red and inky black decorations filled the space. Tables covered with black cloth lined the edge of the room, surrounded by matching chairs.

  Already, the room was full of guests. Gorgeous women strolled around, some with equally attractive men accompanying them. Everyone was dressed in their finest evening wear, looking like they just stepped out of a high-fashion magazine. Darcie never had seen so many beautiful people in one room, and that included the first ball she attended in Greece.

  As they continued their progress inside, Cassandra shifted closer to Alex and whispered something in his ear. It earned her a deep chuckle.

  Darcie’s jaw dropped as she watched Alex give Cassandra a kiss on the lips before she glided away to a group of men surrounding a drink table. Her stomach turned when her eyes landed on the crystal bowl full of a dark-red liquid. She only needed one guess to know what type of beverage it was.

  Thankfully, Alex guided her away from the disgusting liquid. He did not address the kiss with Cassandra and neither did Darcie. She was too busy taking in all those around her.

  “Aren’t people going to wonder why I am here?” she asked in a low murmur. She knew how well vampires could hear.

  Alex looked at her with a raised brow.

  “I’m not a vampire,” she added. She gestured around them. “Everyone else is.”

  “You are an immortal, my sweet,” Alex threw in the endearment when a nearby man’s head had snapped up. Darcie watched his interest fade away when his eyes landed on Alex. The man swallowed hard before turning back to face his companion.

  Alex moved them to the side of the ballroom, further from the crowd. He slowly scanned the area, trying to appear at ease, and added, “There are plenty of lesser immortals here. No one will question your presence.”

  Darcie looked around, but she could not identify a single immortal. All she saw was pale, flawless skin and impeccable cheekbones.

  “What if someone recognizes me?” she whispered. If she was identified as Des’ soulmate, escaping the populated room could prove difficult. There had to be at least one Adir supporter in the crowd.

  “The only vampires who have seen you are limited to members of my coven, Rose, and Cassandra. The lesser immortals here are not members of The Alliance, and there are no witches or warlocks present.”

  “But isn’t Adir looking for you? He suspects we are together.” It just started to hit Darcie how foolish their public outing was. They’d taken care to remain concealed. In one night, they’d effectively put beacons on their heads.

  Alex, however, continued to remain unconcerned. “Relax,” he told her. “No one in attendance is a threat to us. Many here are loyal to me, and Victor is too terrified of me to make a move against me.”


  “No buts,” Alex stopped her. He took her hand from his elbow and turned her so they faced each other. Gently, he placed his palms on either side of her face and stared into her eyes. “I would never let anything happen to you. Do you believe that?”

  Darcie’s gaze darted between his sincere eyes. Slowly, the tension flowed out of her body. With a sigh, she nodded. “Yes.”

  He smiled and dropped his hands. “I am not telling you to not be cautious, only to not let your fear ruin your evening.”

  “I get it,” she responded. She looked over to where Cassandra stood, surrounded by attentive men.

  Alex followed her gaze and said, “She will be preoccupied most of the evening. Males are always vying for the chance to be the companion of a coven leader.”

  “She seems to like you,” Darcie pointed out, remembering their kiss.

  “Everyone likes me.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Are you guys like… together or something?”

  Alex roared with laughter. The response drew the attention of surrounding vampires. Darcie felt her cheeks heat.

  I guess that’s a no.

  Continuing to chuckle, Alex grabbed her hand and placed it in his elbow again. He led her away from the side of the room, moving towards the center. His laughter started to die down, but his amusement remained. He mimicked the question with a smile, teasing Darcie.

  If they were not in a crowded ballroom, she would have punched his shoulder. As it was, she had to restrain herself or risk drawing even more attention.

  Alex escorted her to a table and pulled back a chair. Darcie sat down and examined the place setting in front of her. It looked too expensive to use. When she looked up, she was surprised to see that her friend was not next to her.

  As she searched for him, her gaze was drawn to a lone figure sitting in a chair on a raised dais. He leaned to the side with one leg propped up over the armrest, looking bored. She examined the area around him and noted nearly a dozen female vampires sitting on the floor beneath him. All of the women wore the same skimpy black dress and apathetic expression. Among them, Darcie was shocked to see Rose.

  Darcie worked to process what she was seeing. Why would the strong, beautiful vampire subject herself to sit by anyone’s feet?

  In seconds, she knew the identity of the vampire on the dais.

  Darcie returned her attention to Victor, Rose’s master and the host of the party. She worked to hide her surprise when she saw that his eyes were on her. She met his stare with her best attempt of confidence and indifference.

  That part was easy. She had to work harder to hide her distaste with the display of power over the women below him. He might have a handsome face, but it belonged to a villain.
  The air behind her shifted with someone’s arrival. Darcie turned, glad to have a reason to look away from the intimidating birthday boy. She expected to see Alex, intending to chastise him for abandoning her without warning, but the words died off her lips when she observed the newcomer.



  Darcie jumped up and threw herself into the vampire. Gregory caught her with ease. She wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her head into his shoulder. She couldn’t believe he was real. The last time she’d seen him, he had been knocked unconscious by whatever spell Henry had used on him. She knew he had escaped when Alex rescued her from Adir’s Italian villa, but she had yet to see for herself that he was healed.

  Darcie tightened her hold. She didn’t know what she would do if anything bad happened to anyone else she cared for. Her heart couldn’t take it.

  “Well, hello, Darcie.” He chuckled above her head, returning her embrace. “Are you happy to see me?”

  She lifted her head from his shoulder and looked at him with watery eyes. “How can you tell?”

  Gregory lifted a slender finger and brushed away the tear that escaped the corner of her eye. “Call it a hunch.”

  She laughed, and Gregory lowered her feet to the ground. She released him and took a step back, embarrassed to realize her reaction had drawn attention. She gestured for her friend to take a seat as she returned to hers.

  He obliged, claiming the chair to her right. “It is good to see you,” he told her.

  “It is good to see you,” she returned with sincerity. “I am so happy you are recovered.”

  “Yes.” His lips tilted down. “It took a while to overcome the paralyzing effects of the warlock’s curse, but I am free of them now.”

  Darcie grimaced at his words and decided to try and change the subject. “Did you come from Greece?”

  “I did.”

  She nodded. “How is everyone? How is Thane?”

  The vampire’s eyes grew sad. “Thane is not handling the loss of his wife well.”

  Darcie’s chest ached. She knew how much the immortal loved Bella. They’d been together for so long, she wondered how he would ever recover from her loss. “I am sorry to hear it.”